A response from K:
Hi R,
Sep 30
Thank you for your email. I am so sorry for all of the pain that I have caused everyone involved. My heart is heavy knowing what I have done. Please know that I am truly sorry for the pain I have caused your family.
Please keep in mind that my husband’s wounds are very fresh. He just heard the entire story. He is angry, and is blaming everyone (including me). Because he knows this is so out of character for me, I think he is trying to see what made me act in the poor way that I did.
About a year ago, we were at church, and there was a sermon on rebuilding marriages. Our pastor spoke about a couple he was counseling and the man had had an affair. He wanted to tell his wife everything. However, our pastor said that telling her all of the details would only cause immense pain to his wife. It would make him feel better, but it would cause unnecessary pain for her. When I had to make a decision on what to tell G, I kept hearing our pastor’s voice in my head. I wanted to protect him from pain.
However, as time went on, I started to doubt my choice. I didn’t know what was the best thing to do for G, our marriage. I decided to tell him the details. Without meaning to, I did leave the nitty gritty details out. I guess I was still trying to protect him. I am now trying to tell him every detail I can remember. My mind is such a mess right now that I am not thinking straight. I am forgetting some things. Not on purpose, but just the same. I honestly feel that after last night I have told G everything and cleared up any misconceptions he had due to details I had accidentally left out.
Please know that I am praying for the healing and rebuilding of all involved. I truly am not a bad person. I have just made some really, really bad choices lately. I pray for forgiveness and healing for all involved constantly.
Did you catch that? What her pastor told her? That is NOT ok. Never, never never is it ok to hide our sin from our spouse. Nothing could ever be more damaging. Bad advice. Very very bad. I had to respond again. Had to.
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